Validation Type
Fishbone Validations | Address Point Validations | Road Centerline Validations | Boundary Validations
MSAG Validations | ALI Validations | Parcel Validations | Routing Validations
The following tables outline the information on the validations, descriptions, the location of the output, and the fields used in the validation logic.
Pro Tip: For validations that compare one dataset to another (i.e. Road Centerlines to Address Points), the "Fields Used in Logic" column identifies the fields used in the source dataset. Consider the target datasets field equivalent when analyzing these validations.
Ex. AP Not Reflected in RCL, consider the inc_muni for the address points and incmuni_l and incmuni_r for the road centerlines. Or, add_number for the address points and fromaddr_l/r and toaddr_l/r
Caution: Address Points and Road Centerlines with feature statuses of "retired" or "proposed" will not be included in the validations or validation results.
Fishbone Validations
Validation ID | Validation Name | Description | Markup Output | Fields Used in Logic |
FB01-4(A-F) | AP Not Reflected in RCL | Address Point contains different attribution than Road Centerline (A) Address Point is on the wrong side of the Road Centerline with External NGUID: XXXX (B) Address Point address number is not within the Road Centerline range (C) Address Point Inc_Muni field contains different attribution than Road Centerline Inc_Muni field with External NGUID: XXXX (D) Address Point Uninc_Comm field contains different attribution than Road Centerline Uninc_Comm field with External NGUID: XXXX (E) Address Point State field contains different attribution than Road Centerline State field with External NGUID: XXXX | Point | add_number |
FB01-5 | AP Maps to Multiple RCL | Address Point maps to multiple overlapping Road Centerlines ranges | Line | add_number |
FB05-1 | AP Misordered Along RCL | Address Point is misordered along Road Centerline | Line | add_number |
Address Point Validations
Validation ID | Validation Name | Description | Markup Output | Fields Used in Logic |
VAL03-11 | AP Missing Attribution | Street Name is invalid1 | Point | add_number |
VAL04-11 | AP Duplicate Point | Duplicate Address Point with matching geometry and attributes1 | Point | addnum_pre |
VAL65 | AP Not Contained Within Boundary | AP not contained within boundary | Point | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL80-01 | Address House Number And Landmark Should Not Be Empty Simultaneously | Address Point add_number and landmkname is blank or NULL | Point | add_num |
VAL80-02 | AP Country Name is Blank or NULL | Address Point country field is blank or NULL | Point | country |
VAL80-03 | AP County Name is Blank or NULL | Address Point county field is blank or NULL | Point | county |
VAL80-04 | AP Incorporated Municipality Name is Blank or NULL | Address Point inc muni field is blank or NULL | Point | inc_muni |
VAL80-05 | Address Must Have A Street Name | Address Point st_name field is blank or NULL | Point | st_name |
VAL80-06 | AP State Name is Blank or NULL | Address Point state field is blank or NULL | Point | state |
VAL80-07 | AP Discrepancy Agency ID is Blank or NULL | Address Point discrpagid field is blank or NULL | Point | discrpagid |
VAL80-08 | AP Date Update is Blank or NULL | Address Point dateupdate field is blank or NULL | Point | dateupdate |
VAL80-09 | AP SITE_NGUID is Blank or NULL | Address Point site_nguid field is blank or NULL | Point | site_nguid |
Road Centerline Validations
Validation ID | Validation Name | Description | Markup Output | Fields Used in Logic |
VAL06-11 | RCL Address Range Overlap | External NGUID: XXXXX left range overlaps left range External NGUID: XXXXX1 | Line | adnumpre_l |
VAL07-11 | RCL Parity Inconsistency | Left Parity and Right Parity are not populated1
| Line | parity_l |
VAL08A-11 | RCL Range Inconsistency | Road Centerline ranges are not positive-positive, null-null, or 0-01 | Line | fromaddr_l |
VAL09A-11 | RCL Range Incomplete | Left range contains a blank, null, or zero alongside a positive integer1 | Line | fromaddr_l |
VAL10A-11 | RCL Range and Parity Inconsistency | Road Centerline range is blank, null, or zero and Left Parity is odd (O)1 | Line | fromaddr_l parity_l parity_r |
VAL12-1 | RCL Digitized Direction | Road Centerline directionality does not match the corresponding order of the Address Points Road Centerline flows in opposite direction of corresponding Road Centerline | Line | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL50 | RCL is Multipart | Road Centerline is multipart | Line | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL51 | RCL is Too Short | Road Centerline length is less than 10m | Line | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL52-011 | RCL Intersecting | Road Centerline crosses another Road Centerline without breaking1 | Line | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL53-011 | RCL Self-Intersecting | Road Centerline overlaps itself1 | Line | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL54 | RCL Overshoot/Undershoot | Road Centerline is an overshoot or undershoot by 5m | Line | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL55-01 | RCL Too Close | More than 50% of Road Centerline is within 2m of another Road Centerline | Line | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL57-011 VAL57-022 | RCL Switchback | The Road Centerline contains vertices with 180 degree turns1 The Road Centerline contains vertices with less than 10 degree turns2 | Line | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL61-1 | RCL Does Not Break at Boundary | Road Centerline does not break at boundary | Line and Point* | Topology check – no fields used Markup line and associated snap point(s) are generated |
VAL61-2 | RCL Not Snapped to RCL on Boundary | Road centerline is not snapped to road centerline on boundary | Line and Point* | Topology check – no fields used Markup line and associated snap point(s) are generated |
VAL61-3 | RCL Not Snapped to Boundary | Road centerline is not snapped to boundary | Line and Point* | Topology check – no fields used Markup line and associated snap point(s) are generated |
VAL65 | RCL Not Contained Within Boundary | RCL not contained within boundary | Line | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL81-01 | RCL Left Country Name is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines country_l field is blank or NULL | Line | country_l |
VAL81-02 | RCL Right Country Name is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines country_r field is blank or NULL | Line | country_r |
VAL81-03 | RCL Left County Name is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines county_l field is blank or NULL | Line | county_l |
VAL81-04 | RCL Right County Name is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines county_r field is blank or NULL | Line | county_r |
VAL81-05 | RCL Left Incorporated Municipality Name is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines incmuni_l field is blank or NULL | Line | incmuni_l |
VAL81-06 | RCL Right Incorporated Municipality Name is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines incmuni_r field is blank or NULL | Line | incmuni_r |
VAL81-07 | RCL Street Name is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines st_name field is blank or NULL | Line | st_name |
VAL81-08 | RCL Left State Name is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines state_l field is blank or NULL | Line | state_l |
VAL81-09 | RCL Right State Name is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines state_r field is blank or NULL | Line | state_r |
VAL81-10 | RCL Discrepancy Agency ID is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines discrpagid field is blank or NULL | Line | discrpagid |
VAL81-11 | RCL Date Update is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines dateupdate field is blank or NULL | Line | dateupdate |
VAL81-12 | RCL RCL_NGUID is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines rcl_nguid field is blank or NULL | Line | rcl_nguid |
VAL81-13 | RCL FromAddr_L is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines fromaddr_l field is blank or NULL | Line | fromaddr_l |
VAL81-14 | RCL ToAddr_L is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines toaddr_l field is blank or NULL | Line | toaddr_l |
VAL81-15 | RCL FromAddr_R is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines fromaddr_r field is blank or NULL | Line | fromaddr_r |
VAL81-16 | RCL ToAddr_R is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines toaddr_r field is blank or NULL | Line | toaddr_r |
VAL81-17 | RCL Parity_L is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines parity_l field is blank or NULL | Line | parity_l |
VAL81-18 | RCL Parity_R is Blank or NULL | Road Centerlines parity_r field is blank or NULL | Line | parity_r |
Boundary Validations
Validation ID | Validation Name | Description | Markup Output | Fields Used in Logic |
VAL13 | Boundary is Multipart | Layer Name Boundary is Multipart | Area | Topology check – no fields used Layers included in this validation: Law, Fire, EMS, PSAP Boundary and Provisioning Boundary |
VAL13/ | Boundary is Multipart and on an Island | Layer Name Boundary is Multipart and on an Island | Area | Topology check – no fields used Layers included in this validation: Law, Fire, EMS, PSAP Boundary and Provisioning Boundary |
VAL14-1 | PSAP Boundary Overlap | Overlap between PSAP Boundaries | Area | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL14-2 | PSAP Boundary Extends Beyond Provisioning Boundary | PSAP Boundary extends beyond Provisioning Boundary | Area | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL14-3 | PSAP Boundary Gap | Gap in PSAP Boundary coverage | Area | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL15-1 | EMS Boundary Overlap | Overlap between EMS Boundaries | Area | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL15-2 | EMS Boundary Extends Beyond Provisioning Boundary | EMS Boundary extends beyond Provisioning Boundary | Area | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL15-3 | EMS Boundary Gap | Gap in EMS Boundary coverage | Area | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL16-1 | Fire Boundary Overlap | Overlap between Fire Boundaries | Area | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL16-2 | Fire Boundary Extends Beyond Provisioning Boundary | Fire Boundary extends beyond Provisioning Boundary | Area | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL16-3 | Fire Boundary Gap | Gap in Fire Boundary coverage | Area | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL17-1 | Law Boundary Overlap | Overlap between Law Boundaries | Area | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL17-2 | Law Boundary Extends Beyond Provisioning Boundary | Law Boundary extends beyond Provisioning Boundary | Area | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL17-3 | Law Boundary Gap | Gap in Law Boundary coverage | Area | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL18 | Boundary Island | Boundary Island | Area | Topology check – no fields used |
VAL82-01 | PSAP Boundary Display Name Field is Blank or NULL | PSAP dsplyname field is blank or NULL | Area | dsplayname |
VAL82-02 | PSAP Boundary Service URN Field is Blank or NULL | PSAP serviceurn field is blank or NULL | Area | serviceurn |
VAL82-03 | PSAP Boundary Discrepancy Agency ID Field Missing Attribution | PSAP discrpagid field is blank or NULL | Area | discrpagid |
VAL82-04 | PSAP Boundary Date Update Field Missing Attribution | PSAP dateupdate field is blank or NULL | Area | dateupdate |
VAL82-05 | PSAP Boundary ES_NGUID Field Missing Attribution | PSAP es_nguid field is blank or NULL | Area | es_nguid |
VAL82-06 | PSAP Boundary State Field Missing Attribution | PSAP state field is blank or NULL | Area | state |
VAL82-07 | PSAP Boundary Agency ID Field Missing Attribution | PSAP agency_id field is blank or NULL | Area | agency_id |
VAL82-08 | PSAP Boundary Service URI Field Missing Attribution | PSAP serviceuri field is blank or NULL | Area | serviceuri |
VAL82-09 | PSAP Boundary Agency vCard URI Field Missing Attribution | PSAP avcard_uri field is blank or NULL | Area | avcard_uri |
VAL83-01 | Animal Control Boundary Display Name Field is Blank or NULL | Animal Control dsplyname field is blank or NULL | Area | dsplayname |
VAL83-02 | Animal Control Boundary Service URN Field is Blank or NULL | Animal Control serviceurn field is blank or NULL | Area | serviceurn |
VAL84-01 | Coast Guard Boundary Display Name Field is Blank or NULL | Coast Guard dsplyname field is blank or NULL | Area | dsplayname |
VAL84-02 | Coast Guard Boundary Service URN Field is Blank or NULL | Coast Guard serviceurn field is blank or NULL | Area | serviceurn |
VAL85-01 | EMS Boundary Display Name Field is Blank or NULL | EMS dsplyname field is blank or NULL | Area | dsplayname |
VAL85-02 | EMS Boundary Service URN Field is Blank or NULL | EMS serviceurn field is blank or NULL | Area | serviceurn |
VAL85-03 | EMS Boundary Discrepancy Agency ID Field Missing Attribution | EMS discrpagid field is blank or NULL | Area | discrpagid |
VAL85-04 | EMS Boundary Date Update Field Missing Attribution | EMS dateupdate field is blank or NULL | Area | dateupdate |
VAL85-05 | EMS Boundary ES_NGUID Field Missing Attribution | EMS es_nguid field is blank or NULL | Area | es_nguid |
VAL85-06 | EMS Boundary State Field Missing Attribution | EMS state field is blank or NULL | Area | state |
VAL85-07 | EMS Boundary Agency ID Field Missing Attribution | EMS agency_id field is blank or NULL | Area | agency_id |
VAL85-08 | EMS Boundary Service URI Field Missing Attribution | EMS serviceuri field is blank or NULL | Area | serviceuri |
VAL85-09 | EMS Boundary Agency vCard URI Field Missing Attribution | EMS avcard_uri field is blank or NULL | Area | avcard_uri |
VAL86-01 | Fire Boundary Display Name Field is Blank or NULL | Fire dsplyname field is blank or NULL | Area | dsplayname |
VAL86-02 | Fire Boundary Service URN Field is Blank or NULL | Fire serviceurn field is blank or NULL | Area | serviceurn |
VAL86-03 | Fire Boundary Discrepancy Agency ID Field Missing Attribution | Fire discrpagid field is blank or NULL | Area | discrpagid |
VAL86-04 | Fire Boundary Date Update Field Missing Attribution | Fire dateupdate field is blank or NULL | Area | dateupdate |
VAL86-05 | Fire Boundary ES_NGUID Field Missing Attribution | Fire es_nguid field is blank or NULL | Area | es_nguid |
VAL86-06 | Fire Boundary State Field Missing Attribution | Fire state field is blank or NULL | Area | state |
VAL86-07 | Fire Boundary Agency ID Field Missing Attribution | Fire agency_id field is blank or NULL | Area | agency_id |
VAL86-08 | Fire Boundary Service URI Field Missing Attribution | Fire serviceuri field is blank or NULL | Area | serviceuri |
VAL86-09 | Fire Boundary Agency vCard URI Field Missing Attribution | Fire avcard_uri field is blank or NULL | Area | avcard_uri |
VAL87-01 | Forest Service Boundary Display Name Field is Blank or NULL | Forest Service dsplyname field is blank or NULL | Area | dsplayname |
VAL87-02 | Forest Service Boundary Service URN Field is Blank or NULL | Forest Service serviceurn field is blank or NULL | Area | serviceurn |
VAL88-01 | Law Boundary Display Name Field is Blank or NULL | Law dsplyname field is blank or NULL | Area | dsplayname |
VAL88-02 | Law Boundary Service URN Field is Blank or NULL | Law serviceurn field is blank or NULL | Area | serviceurn |
VAL88-03 | Law Boundary Discrepancy Agency ID Field Missing Attribution | Law discrpagid field is blank or NULL | Area | discrpagid |
VAL88-04 | Law Boundary Date Update Field Missing Attribution | Law dateupdate field is blank or NULL | Area | dateupdate |
VAL88-05 | Law Boundary ES_NGUID Field Missing Attribution | Law es_nguid field is blank or NULL | Area | es_nguid |
VAL88-06 | Law Boundary State Field Missing Attribution | Law state field is blank or NULL | Area | state |
VAL88-07 | Law Boundary Agency ID Field Missing Attribution | Law agency_id field is blank or NULL | Area | agency_id |
VAL88-08 | Law Boundary Service URI Field Missing Attribution | Law serviceuri field is blank or NULL | Area | serviceuri |
VAL88-09 | Law Boundary Agency vCard URI Field Missing Attribution | Law avcard_uri fieldis blank or NULL | Area | avcard_uri |
VAL89-01 | Poison Control Boundary Display Name Field is Blank or NULL | Poison Control dsplyname field is blank or NULL | Area | dsplayname |
VAL89-02 | Poison Control Boundary Service URN Field is Blank or NULL | Poison Control serviceurn field is blank or NULL | Area | serviceurn |
MSAG Validations
Validation ID | Validation Name | Description | Markup Output | Fields Used in Logic |
VAL33-11 | MSAG Invalid Address | MSAG low range is invalid1 | Table | low |
VAL34-1 | RCL Not Reflected in MSAG | Road Centerline contains different attribution than MSAG | Line | lst_predir |
VAL35-1 | MSAG Not Reflected in RCL | MSAG contains different attribution than Road Centerline | Table | dir st_postyp st_posdir |
VAL36A-1 | RCL Not Reflected in MSAG Range | RCL Not Reflected in MSAG Range | Line | fromaddr_l |
VAL37-11 | MSAG Range Incomplete | MSAG low range is null1 | Table | low |
ALI Validations
Validation ID | Validation Name | Description | Markup Output | Fields Used in Logic |
VAL38-1 | ALI Address Number Invalid | ALI address number is invalid | Table | house_number |
VAL39-1 | ALI Not Reflected in AP | ALI contains different attribution than Address Point | Table | house_number |
VAL40-1 | ALI Not Reflected in RCL | ALI contains different attribution than Road Centerline | Table | house_number |
VAL41-1 | ALI Address Incomplete | ALI house number is blank, null, or zero | Table | house_number |
VAL42-1 | ALI Not Reflected in AP and RCL | ALI contains different attribution than Address Point and Road Centerline | Table | house_number |
Parcel Validations
Note: Parcel validations are offered as a Premium Feature in VEP. Contact your Client Success Manager for more information.
Validation ID | Validation Name | Description | Markup Output | Fields Used in Logic |
PAR-1A | Parcel ID and CAMA Mismatch | Parcel External NGUID: {external_nguid} does not have a matching CAMA record | Area | APN |
PAR-1B | Parcel ID and CAMA Mismatch | CAMA Table External NGUID: {external_nguid} does not have a matching Parcel | Table | PARCEL_NUMBER |
PAR-2 | AP Not Contained Within Parcel | AP does not fall within a Parcel boundary | Point | Topology check - no fields used |
PAR-3A | Parcel Overlap | Overlap between Parcel Boundaries | Area | Topology check - no fields used |
PAR-3B | Parcel Boundary Gap | Gap in Parcel Boundary coverage | Area | Topology check - no fields used |
PAR-3C | Parcel Boundary is Multipart | Parcel Boundary is multipart | Area | Topology check - no fields used |
PAR-3D | Parcel Boundary is Multipart and on an Island | Parcel Boundary is multipart and on an island | Area | Topology check - no fields used |
PAR-3E | Duplicate Parcels | Duplicate parcels with matching geometry | Area | Topology check - no fields used |
Routing Validations
Note: Routing validations are offered as a Premium Feature in VEP. Contact your Client Success Manager for more information.
Validation ID | Validation Name | Description | Markup Output | Fields Used in Logic |
RV-1 | RCL Wrong Way Inconsistency | Inconsistency between the Road Centerline segments One Way field | Line | st_premod st_predir st_pretyp st_presep st_name st_postyp st_posdir st_posmod oneway incmuni_l incmuni_r |
RV-2 | RCL Speed Limit Inconsistency | Inconsistency between the Road Centerline segments Speed Limit field | Line | st_premod st_predir st_pretyp st_presep st_name st_postyp st_posdir st_posmod speedlimit incmuni_l incmuni_r |
RV-3 | RCL Road Class Inconsistency | Inconsistency between the Road Centerline segments Road Class field | Line | st_premod st_predir st_pretyp st_presep st_name st_postyp st_posdir st_posmod roadclass incmuni_l incmuni_r |