Lock a Schema | Delete a Schema | Edit Name of Schema | Review Schema Field Mapping | View Automated Upload Schema (Premium Feature)
Admin users can view and manage saved Native Schemas by going to the Utilities section in the left navigation panel and then clicking the Manage Schemas tab.
Lock a Schema
Admin users can 'lock' a schema so that they can prevent non-admin users from modifying a schema. Users will not be able to update the existing schema in the Upload workflow, nor will users be able to save changes made to a schema in the Custom Downloads workflow. Locked schemas will display a lock symbol next to their name in the schema table under the Manage Schemas tab:
To lock a schema:
1. Navigate to Utilities > Manage Schemas.
2. Select the corresponding checkbox in the Schema Lock column in the table listing all schemas.
Delete a Schema
To delete a schema, Admin users can do the following:
1. Navigate to Utilities > Manage Schemas.
2. To delete a Native Schema, click the Drop Schema icon (X) under the Actions column for the corresponding schema.
3. Confirm the deletion in the Confirm pop-up box.
Edit Name of Schema
To edit a schema, Admin users can do the following:
1. Navigate to Utilities > Manage Schemas page.
2. Click the pencil icon under the Actions column for the corresponding schema.
3. Use the Edit Schema Mapping window to rename the schema. Click Save to save your changes or Close to exit without saving.
Review Schema Field Mapping
To review the field mapping configuration of a schema, click the Download Schema Icon under the Actions column of the corresponding schema.
A spreadsheet with the saved Schema configurations will be downloaded. Open the spreadsheet to view the saved field mapping settings for the Native Schema. Here, viewers will see the VEP Field Name, VEP Field Type, Native Field Name, Native Field Alias, and Native Field Type.
View Automated Upload Schema (Premium Feature)
Customers with access to the Automated Upload premium service through their subscription will be able to review the schemas associated with their automated uploads configuration file. When data is uploaded in the Uploads workflow, users can save the schema associated with the upload to be used for future automated uploads in VEP, which is indicated by the checked box in the Automated Uploads column.