The Geofence Management page will be available for Admins of Geofence accounts. This page allows Admins to designate Geofence Boundaries to other users in VEP. For a list of roles that can be assigned a Geofence boundary, see the table below. In addition to user assignment, the page allows for the details of each Geofence Boundary to be edited.
Can be Geofenced | Cannot be Geofenced |
Data Admin | System Admin |
Editor | Observer |
Validator | Read-Only |
Geofence Boundaries
The Geofence Boundaries are configured during the onboarding process. The configured boundaries are assigned to VEP users by the Admin and place restrictions on editing and uploading features within the boundary. If a user is not assigned to a boundary, they can't make edits or uploads that changes features within that boundary. Additionally, users that are assigned a Geofence Boundary may only makes changes to the feature layers assigned to them within that boundary. Editing outside of the Geofence boundaries is still possible for users that are not assigned boundaries themselves, but the features that fall within the boundaries may only be altered by their assign user.
User Management
The User Management tab of the Geofence Management page allows Admins to assign specific VEP users to a Geofence Boundary.
Adding Geofence Boundary Users
To begin, click the Assign New User button in the bottom right of the page.
The Assign User pop-up will appear. Use the User Drop down to select the desired user.
Then, use the Geofence Boundary drop down to select the boundary that will be assign to that user.
Use the Editable Feature Classes window to establish what layers this user will be allowed to edit within the chosen Geofence Boundary. The user will not be able to make edits to any layers that are not selected here.
Use the Admin Notes section to optionally make notes for Admin use regarding the Geofence Boundary assignment.
Once all settings for the Geofence Boundary assignment are configured, click the Assign User button at the bottom right of the window to save your changes. You may click the Close button at any time to exit without saving.
Viewing, Editing, and Deleting Users
In the User Management tab you are able to view all currently assigned Geofence Boundary Users.
Click the Plus icon the left of any User to see what layers they are assigned to be able to edit within their Geofence Boundary.
You may make changes to the configured settings of an assign Geofence Boundary by clicking the Pencil icon in the Actions Column.
Geofence Boundary assignment may be deleted by clicking the 'X' icon under the Action column as well. Deleting assigned Geofence Boundaries WILL NOT delete the actual boundary, only the user assignment associated with it. Geofence Boundaries are configured in onboarding and deletion of a boundary would need to be requested through the support center.
Geofence Details
Notes from the Admin can be added to each Geofence Boundary in the Geofence Details tab.
Use the pencil icon to establish a state, county, or any additional notes for that boundary. These fields can be seen by all users in the Geofence Boundary layer of the Map attribute window.