If a particular area is frequently accessed, use the Bookmark tool to save the map extent for future reference. Users with access to the Web map can create bookmarks to save their map extents or share them within the organization to promote group collaboration.

Bookmark Tool Overview

1. Select the Bookmark Tool from the widget toolbar.

2. Click Add to create a bookmark of the current map extent

3. Fill out the Add Bookmark form and click OK:

Name - Assign a name to the bookmark.

Access Type - Select to make the bookmark Private or Shared with other VEP users.

4. Click the Private or Shared tab to filter the bookmarks by access type.

5. Sort the bookmarks in ascending or descending order.

6. Click the bookmark thumbnail to navigate to the saved map extent. Hover over a saved bookmark to see additional options:

  1. Delete the bookmark. You will be prompted to confirm that you wish to delete the bookmark. 

  1. Update the bookmark with the current map extent.
  2. Replace the thumbnail image with a saved image.